Thursday, March 23, 2017

New year 2016 in Vietnam

Bismillahhirrahmannirrahim .
Dengan nama allah yang maha pemurah lagi maha mengasihani.

Assalammualaikum .w.b.t

It's been a long dayyyyyyyyyyyy, without you my friend. HAHAHAHA k tetibe. Its been a long time since i manage to update this blogspot of mine. So much things happens. I will start by throwback pictures of me and my travel partner (Kak Zila) trip to Ho chi minh last year ! Actually kami dah lama plan nak bercuti jauh jauh sama sama so that we know our capabilities. So kami mula dgn trip to Ho chi minh with POTO Travel agency. Well mesti sumorg cakap 'Ek elee igtkan backpakers tadi' Ehh igt senang ke parents nak bagi pegy backpakers , dah la dua dua perempuan, anak bongsu pulak tu, comel pulak tu. Hahahaha okay last tu takk gurau je. kikiki. Anyway kami cuma nak cuba berjalan and tgk negara org, culture org and cuba nak convince our parents so that next time diorg lepaskan kitorg utk travel lagi ;) Lagipn ni 1st time kami keluar negara without them. So yeah we used our tabung travel money and paid around RM1500 to the agency (gradually k bukan selepuk), all in (except for shopping expenses) kikiki. FYI, mula mula we were told that kami akan fly with vietnam airlines than suddenly last min the agency called and said tukar kepada MAS. Pheww better i think. So arrive di airport vietnam (i dont remember the name) kami disambut oleh tour guide disana nama dia ape tah tak igt dan dibawa ke bas (ade wifi) menuju ke hotel. 

S0, this is our hotel for 3 nights

Anyway kite cuma cerita sikit sikit je k sbb if you guys want to know more, you can just google POTO travel agency. As i know, agency ni diasaskan oleh org melayu kita sendiri. So diorg amat menitik beratkan halal food, and tempat utk solat yg selesa. Cuma ade la something happen yg i think tak patut. Dont worry akan diceritakan nnti. So sampai ke hotel simpan bag je and straight away turun balik for MAKAN TIME. hihihi. 

As you can see, mmg mewah makan dia. Yang kelakarnya, semua yg ikut trip ni ade yg family, ade yg only husband and wife, and ade yg mak mak je. Hahahahaha only 2 of us yg muda and alone. Always the first time kan. hahaha. and so lepas makan we all balik hotel and they said free activity. So kami yg muda muda nie decide nak pegy dataran diorg and sambut new year. HIHI. (Jalan kaki sikit je from our hotel) 
Mase ni takdak go pro lagi. Belum mampu. So we wait for the countdown, memandangkan vietnam is 1 hour late from malaysia. Kami mmg mereput tunggu lepas satu lagu ke satu lagu diorg nyanyi tp blm countdown2 lagi -.-' Dari pukul 6ptg(waktu vietnam) hokayyy diorg nyanyii. 5 penyanyi yg same bertukar tukar. Then ape yg menarik, jam 10pm diorg start kosongkan dataran, kemas kerusi2 yg ade. and start set up pentas with DJ and stuff. Kitorg pulak blurr ape yg berlaku sebenanye. Tanye dekat mat salleh yg berdiri kat situ, diorg kata 'I have no idea dear, im also first time here' HAHA. Okayyyy so kitorg decide to follow the flow. 10.30pm mcmtu they start to play techno songs and remaja di vietnam started dancing. Kitorg yg awal2 ade dekat front row and blurr whats going on ditolak tolak depa until we are at the centre of the parade -.-' Agak kekok sbb diorg sume pakai shorts and there we are in the centre wearing hijabs . -____________-' Lepas satu lagu ke satu lagu techno diorg pasang jam menunjukkn pkul 11.30pm. Diorg mula campak2 kan mcm lampu putih (Taktau ape name dia) to the crowd. Yang kelakanye, kitorg takdapat sbb kitorg kecik je ddk kat tgh2 tu. Bila diorg baling je lampu tu, asyik kena kat kepala je, dapatnya idokkk sampailaa matsalleh tadi ambik and bagi kat kitorg. HAHAHAHA. so kitorg tunggu la sampai pkul 12 sambil pegang lampu tu. hahahahaha. So just now kita kata ade yg tak patut jadi kan, so cite dia macam nie, 2nd day i think, tour guide bawak pgy kedai baju and let us shopping kat situ, kedai dia mcm rumah 3 tingkat gituw. sedang kitorg asyik try try baju kurung vietnam (Which is takde la murah sgt). Tiba tiba sales girl tu tanye ' Miss, your bus left already'. and we was like 'WHAT THE FISH' Dah la takde no phone, takde roaming (sbb fikir ikut agency kan, so no need for it) and so luckily owner kedai tu kenal tour guide tu. They called him and told him kitorg still kat kedai dia. Memandang kan diorg tak jauh sgt daripada kedai tu, so the bus came back. Masuk je bas, kitorg sgt sgt lah pissed off cause if you want to know, ade total of 18 of us only. Mcm mane diorg boleh tak prasan we were not in the bus. The main problem is, they did not even do headcount and just left us there. Mama knows about it and she is so worried and were going write an email to the agency. Yang paling geram bila bus patah balik, kitorg naik and the tour guide said 'Nasib baik dekat boleh patah balik, kalau jauh saya akan suruh korg naik teksi je'. REALLY DUDE ? two girls in taxi in the middle of nowhere. Serious bengang mase tu. All was good except for the responsibilities They lack on that. and so appologise and did headcount after the incident. and to be honest, i am not looking forward to join them in the future. huhuhuhu. So here it is short video of our trip and are looking forward for our next trip backpakers maybe. Till then, sincerely SNF ;)