Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Patah sayap

Bismillahhirrahmannirrahim .
Dengan nama allah yang maha pemurah lagi maha mengasihani.

Assalammualaikum .w.b.t

Don't know why i felt so emotionally breakdown these pass few days. Want to go home so so badly. Not feeling well and have nobody around me. Nobody cares Even so i forgot that i have ONE who will always listen and never get bored. Never get annoyed and would always be there for me.

Ya rabb
Ampuni segala dosa dosaku..
Segala khilafku..

Ayahcik pesan 
'Ana, sakit tu penghapus dosa dosa kecil kalau kita redha'

It's really hard for me but i'm trying to be strong.
Trying to keep calm and please please pray for my speedy recovery.
May allah bless. 

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